Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Final Paper Book Selection

Just a reminder that your book selection for the final paper is due Tuesday, Jan. 27 (Day 3), and Wednesday, Jan. 28 (Day 4). You will find the link to the final paper assignment to your right under "Assignments and Syllabus." Your selection of the book is worth 5% of the final paper's grade. 

Friday, January 23, 2009

A little more time...

Since some students haven't had their writing conference yet, we will postpone the due date for revisions to Jan. 28 and Jan. 29. Once again, you may choose which paper you wish to revise, and that grade will be calculated as an additional grade; it will not replace the original grade. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Adjustment in the Schedule

The assignment schedule posted to the right mentions that all revisions must be turned in this week. I will change this due date to Monday, January 26, and Tuesday, January 27. Beginning with Thursday's and Friday's classes (1/15 and 1/16), we will set aside time during class to confer about your writing across all of your assignments.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reminder for Friday, 1/9, and Monday, 1/12

Once again, e-mail to me your journal entry for The Stranger by the night before class. Friday's class must read pp. 34-59, and Monday's class must read pp. 34-71.  Be sure to include two questions about the reading as part of your journal entry. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Just a reminder to e-mail me (fmontas@mph.net) your journal entries for The Stranger, pp. 11-33.  Be sure to follow the guidelines distributed in class for writing a journal entry.