Monday, December 15, 2008

For Tuesday (12/16, Day 2) and Wednesday (12/17, Day 3)

Your comedic essay is due Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Be prepared to read aloud the entire essay, or just a section of it, to your classmates. You should practice reading your essay aloud, and you should mark up your draft to indicate how you want to read it. For example, you could indicate where you should speed up the reading, where you should slow it down, where you should speak more loudly or softly, and so on. 

Some of you may be anxious that your essay is not funny, but keep in mind the goal is not to have everyone falling out of their seats in laughter, but to tell a story that can lighten a mood. It is possible that no one will laugh at your story, but that doesn't mean it wasn't funny. Everyone will read from their essay, so come prepared to do your best! 

If you have any questions about your essay, do not hesitate to e-mail me ( or see me during tutorial. On Tuesday, I am free during the first half of third block (until about 12:20) and all of last block. During third block, I will be in my classroom; during last block you can find me in the faculty room.